It is with great pride that we share news of our recent recognition during a ceremony held in Limassol on November 30. This event was co-organized by the U.S. Embassy in Nicosia, the Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC), the Cyprus Marine Environment Protection Association (CYMEPA), and the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). The occasion was dedicated to acknowledging shipping companies actively participating in the U.S. Coast Guard’s Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue (AMVER) program.

AMVER stands as a testament to international collaboration, welcoming vessels of diverse flags and nations. Our company’s commitment to this program involves voluntarily offering our ships as rescue assets in times of emergency. Prior to each voyage, our participating vessels submit a sail plan to the AMVER computer center, detailing their port of departure, port of destination, course, and speed. This information becomes instrumental in projecting the positions of participating ships during emergency situations, providing a valuable service at no cost to us or those in need of rescue.

In situations where governmental or official rescue operations face challenges or are geographically distant, AMVER plays a crucial role. By identifying and informing the nearest available vessels capable of providing assistance, the program has proven successful in safeguarding lives and property at sea. This success is attributed to the collaboration between ships, companies, communication service providers, governments, and search-and-rescue authorities.

During the ceremony, U.S. Ambassador to Cyprus Julie Fisher, representing the U.S. Coast Guard, presented awards to recognize the dedication of participating mariners and their respective companies. Ambassador Fisher commended AMVER as an outstanding example of mutual assistance and partnership.

We are honored to share that Lemissoler received recognition for enrolling our vessels in the AMVER program in 2022. This achievement underscores our commitment to maritime safety and our role in the global effort to ensure the well-being of mariners and vessels in distress.

Our COO, Mr. Petros Monogios attended and received the award at the ceremony.